Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Chapter 27 Questions!

1.What goes on during the final interview?
During the final interview Katniss, Peeta and the people that are there watch the whole Hunger Games from the beginning. While they are watching the video Katniss and Peeta are on this red couch and Katniss' head in on Peeta's shoulder. Katniss says that this year the video showed the story about romance. Ceaser also was asking Katniss and Peeta about their love and what it was like in the games.
2.What happened to Peeta's leg?
What happened to Peeta's leg is that it got replaced with a metal leg because Peeta's real leg was really injured!   
3. Why does Katniss feel torn in the end?     
Katniss feels torn in the end because she doesn't know if he loves Peeta or Gale. I think she loves Peeta!!!!     
4.What does Peeta realize?
Peeta realizes that Katniss kind of using him in the Games! I can;t believe that Katniss would do that! Katniss was doing that to Peeta so she can stay alive and get gifts from sponsors. And Peeta really did love Katniss! Katniss is Such a Dumb Dumb.!!

Chapter 26 Questions!

1. How does the Capitol heal Katniss?
The Capitol heals Katniss by  healing all her scars, burns, cuts and scratches by The Hunger Games!(:
2. What does Haymitch reveal to Katniss before she sees the crowd?
Haymitch reveals that the Capitol is really mad at Katniss and Peeta because they almost ate the poisonous blueberries. They made them look like fools.! I think that that was dumb.  

Chapter 25 Questions!

1. What attacks the last three tributes?
The thing that attack the three tributes were wolfs. The wolfs that attacked the three tributes are the ones that eat humans.
2. How does Katniss use her last arrow?
Katniss uses her last arrow by using it with Peeta with his injury he has in his leg.
3. What happens when the Gamemakers revoke the rule change?
When the Gamemakers revoke the rule Katniss and Peeta look at each other. Katniss starts to think of a plan so instead of killing each other they kill themselves. Katniss' plan was to get some poison berries and eat them as if they were gonna die.! Katniss is Very Very Smart! 
4. Who wins the Hunger Games?Katniss and Peeta win the Hunger Games!!! Yayyy!

Chapter 24 Questions!

1. How do the Gamemakers try to drive the last tributes together?
The game makers try to drive the last tributes together by going all together to the lake.They all met together because they went to the lake to get water because they were so thirsty they knew that tha lake is the only place to get water.
2. How does Katniss feel about Cato?   
Katniss feels sure enough about Cato. She feels sure enough because they knew a way to trick both Foxface and Cato. Katnniss and Peeta think that killing or tricking Foxface was a little more difficult.
3. How do the final three meet up?   
The final three meet up in the Cornucopia. They met in the Cornucopia because it was close to the lake. And they all needed water obviously.!

Chapter 23 Question!

1. Why does Thresh's death affect Katniss?Thresh's death affect Katniss because she didn't want him to die. He had saved her life in a way. 

2. Who is left in the arena?The people who are left in the arena are:
  •  Katniss
  •  Peeta
  •  FoxFace
  • Cato
3. What Katniss' fears if she wins the Games?
Katniss fears if she wins the games that she'll lead a life like Haymitch! Always drunk. She wants to lead a normal life. But she is afraid that her mother will die and Prim will grow up to fast.

4. What happens to Foxface?
Foxface dies. The hovercraft comes and gets her. She died by getting the poisoning berries from peeta's basket

Chapter 22 Questions!

1. How does Katniss compare Peeta to Gale?    She compares them on their  personalities. Gale is the kind person who always asks question. Peeta is the kind of person who is soft  and not a coward.
2. What happens with the weather?
   The  weather gets more tense and stronger. The Gamemakers put
hard thunder and rain like  no other.! The gamemakers wanted it like that so the tributes would find it hard to hunt or kill.!(: 
3. How does Katniss get the feast?
   Katniss gets the feast by Haymitch. Katniss knows what Haymitch wants so she gives him what she wanted. And gets the feast. Peeta doesn't know but its alright to Katniss.!   

Chapter 21 Questions!

1Who's the first to get their pack?
FoxFace is the first one to get her backpack. Katniss seems mad because she has a clever idea.
2. Who catches Katniss?
Clove catches Katniss. She pins her down to the ground and cuts her lips! She trying to kill her. But than Thresh comes and saves Katniss![:
3Why does Thresh let Katniss go? Thresh let Katniss go because she did everything to save rue's life. Katniss had also told him that District 11 had given her bread. 
4.Why does Katniss think Cato will go after Thresh and not her?I think Katniss thinks that Cato will go after Thresh and not her because Thresh has Cato's backpack and the stuff he really needs.     

Chapter 20 Questions!

1.What is Peeta's condition?
Peeta's condition is that he has really high fever and a really bad wound that cato gave him. Cato was on the same team as him but i guess cato betrayed him. Peeta also has blood poising and tracker-jackers bites!/:
2.How do the Gamemakers try to entice the tributes? What does Katniss think they have for her?
The Gamemakers try to tense the tributes by announcing that there will be a feast. They also, said that their will be backpacks with there district number on it. The backpack will contain something they need. Katniss thinks that they will have something for Peeta's leg.

3.What does Haymitch send Katniss? Why?   
Haymitch sends Katniss a sleeping syrup. He sends her that so she can put Peeta to sleep while she goes and gets the backpacks. The sleeping syrup last a day so that will give her enough time to go to the feast!(:

Chapter 19 Questions!

1.How does Katniss find Peeta?
Katniss finds Peeta in the mud. He was laying under a layer of plants and mud. All you could see was his blue eyes and white teeth. He defended himself by frosting himself with mud.
2.What is Peeta's true talent?
I think Peeta's true talent is baking. He can make and decorate bread. His frosting skills came in handy. He was able to frost himself with mud.
3. How does Katniss treat Peeta's wound?
Katniss treated his stings from the tracker-jackers with the leaves Rue used on her. She also used the leaves for his leg. She didn't know what to do with the leg so she experimented. She also gave him pills for his very high fever.
4.Where do they hide out?
Katniss and Peeta hide out in a cave. Katniss would rather climb up to a tree but with Peeta severely wounded, the cave will do.
5.How and why do they get the pot of broth?
They got the pot of broth by Haymitch. He sent it to them because they finally kissed. Katniss right away knew the meaning for the broth. She knew that Haymitch was happy with the romance between them.

Chapter 18 Questions!

1.What does Katniss do for Rue?
When rue dies Katniss sings a song for her and decorates her around with wildflowers. Se does that to show the capitol that they don't own them and wanted to show that Rue wasn't just another piece of there games.
2.Who sponsors a gift for her? What is it?
District 11 sponsors a gift for her. Its a loaf of bread. The bread is made of dark rations grain and shaped in a crescent.Sprinkled with seeds. I think they gave her the bread because of what she did for rue. Its like a thank you.That was the first time a district gave anything to another district.
3.How does Katniss' attitude change after Rue's death?
Katniss sounds more angry but like demanding to herself. She thinks as it like you have to do it. I think she's like that because she couldn't save Rue.  
4.What rule change do the Gamemakers announce?
The rule change was that 2 tributes can live that year. They can only live if there from the same district. Katniss right away called peeta's name when they declared the new rule. 

Chapter 17 Questions!

1. What happens to Katniss in the explosion?
   In the explosion Katniss shoots the apples and it explodes! The air from the explosion pushes her off the tree and she falls on the ground. Katniss lost her breath when she fell. Katniss tries to get up and leave but she can't. She is very Dizzy.

2. What happens to Rue?
   Rue  is trapped in a net. The net was set-up by the boy from district 1. Katniss tries to get her 
but a spear enters her body!  

Chapter 16 Questions!

1. What is Katniss' offensive attack?
         Katniss' offensive attack is to go and destroy all the    Careers' food and supplies. She says that the Careers   are always getting the food. They don't need to hunt for their food. Katniss wants to destroy all their food but she cant because they got booby traps! 
2. In what ways are the Careers at a disadvantage?
        The Careers are at a disadvantage because they don't know it is like to starve. They have always had food. They have never had to hunt for their food. With their food gone, who knows how they will eat.
3. What important information does Rue provide?
    She tells Katniss that when she hears mocking jays that to go back to the camp fire site. Also, that she has six siblings and sh is the oldest. She is very protect against them. She also,told Katniss that she loves to sing a lot!(: 
4. What is Rue's favorite thing? How does this connect to Katniss?
       Rue's favorite thing is music. She says that at home and work she sings. That that is why Rue likes Katniss' mockingjay. Rue sings with the mockingjays. Katniss tried to give her , her Mockingjay but she said no she already has a good luck charm!
5. Why can't Katniss get to the bounty of supplies? How is she able to destroy it?
    Katniss can't get to the bounty of supplies because it is mined. The whole area is full of mines that the boy from District 3 set-up. Katniss is able to destroy it by shooting arrows in the bags full of apples. As soon as the apples fell, the whole place exploded. Katniss fell from the tree and knocked out her breathe! Sooo she can't get up.

Chapter 15 Questions!

1. Who forms an alliance with Katniss?
Rue forms an alliance with Katniss. Katniss can't stop thinking of Prim when she sees rue. Rue saved Katniss life.
2. How does this alliance benefit both parties?
This alliance benefits both parties because they both have things the other one needs. Rue give Katniss leaves to cure the stings. Katniss gives Rue medicine for her burns. Katniss also can give Rue meat which she not used to eating.
3. What are some differences between District 11 and District 12?
District 11 and District 12 have some differences between them. District 11 is dedicated to agriculture and District 12 is coal mining. Katniss thinks that her District is really strict, but Rue's district is worse. Even though Disrict 11 is agriculture, they can't eat the food. If they do, they get whipped in front of everybody. Katniss knows that there are rarely whippings in her district. She also knows that the mayor isn't as strict as District 11's.

Chapter 14 Questions!

1.. Who helps Katniss escape from the Careers? How?
Rue helps Katniss escape from the careers. Rue was on the other tree across. She warned Katniss about the tracker-jackers. Katniss had to get out of there so she got an idea buy swung the branch that was with the tracker-jackers. After she did that the tracker-jackers fell on the careers and started running. Katniss got a chance to get down and escape. 
2. What does Haymitch send Katniss?
Haymitch sends Katniss a small pot of ointment. The ointment helps relieve the pain from her burn. Katniss was so happy he gave her that gift. She went on and put the ointment. It felt cool of sensation. 
3. What does Katniss get from Glimmer's body? Why is this so important to her?
Katniss gets bows and arrows from Glimmer's body. She has to take them away fast so the hover craft won't get her and Glimmer. Its so important to her because now she has her own weapons and she knows she is really good with them.
4. What does Peeta do when he finds her?
When peeta finds Katniss he is mad because she still is there. He tells he to run really fast. Katniss was confused because she couldn't believe peeta had saved her life.
5. What are the effects of the tracker jacker stings on Katniss?
The effects of the tracker-jacker stings on Katniss is that she is hallucinating. She is seeing things that are obviously not there. She sees ants crawling all over her body. She is also tripping and falling everywhere.

Chapter 13 Questions!

1. What new threat does Katniss face?
The new threat thats now a problem for Katniss is a BIG FIRE!
She suddenly wakes up and the woods are burning. She is feeling really dizzy and woozy. She can hardly breathe and the tributes are on the other side.  
2. How do the Gamemakers control the events of the Games?
The game makers control the game events by changing everything. For example, they threw bombs from everywhere to kill them. They change them when it gets boring. Also, when there is no action.
3. What slows Katniss down?
The thing that slows Katniss down is her breathing and the fire balls hat are coming toward the ground. She can't really go through because they might hit her and die. Than she gets burned on her calve witch stings her a lot.
4. Who finds her?
The careers find Katniss. She hears them walking towards her when she is in the pond. Katniss gets up and walks away from the pond and climbs a tree.

Chapter 12 Questions!

1. What is Katniss struggling to find?
   Katniss is struggeling to find water! She needs water so badly. She is dehidrated. She is trying to use her and follow plants and animals because they need water to survive. 
2. In what ways is Katniss “playing the game”?
     In a way Katniss is playing the game because she is hungry for water. The whole point of the games is starvation and she is going through that. But eventually she finds water.
3. Why doesn’t Haymitch send Katniss water?
    Haymitch does'nt send Katniss water because he knows she is smart enough to find it. Also, she is very close to the water. She is dying of thirst. But Katniss knows what he is trying to do!

Chapter 11 Questions!

1. What is the Cornucopia?
A Cornucopia is a giant golden horn shaped like a cone with a curved tail. The mouth of the Cornucopia is at least twenty feet high, spilling over with the things that will give them life there in arena. Strewn around the Cornucopia are other supplies, their value decreasing the farther they are from the horn. Those items will be used in the Hunger Games.
2. How does Katniss make it into the woods? What weapons does she choose? Why?
Katniss was running for a backpack and a boy from District 9 gets it, but they're both fighting for it. After they ended up killing he boy. A girl from district 2 was running at Katniss as her target. So she gets the knife that killed The boy from district 9 and runs into the woods. She runs into the woods so the predator won't kill her.  
3. Why is Katniss angry at the tribute who starts the fire? Who is hunting in the pack?
Katniss is mad at the girl who starts the fire because she almost killed her and Katniss. Obviously she is very dumb! Than a pack of tributes come and kill her. The people that are in the tributes are Peeta and the boy from District 2. 

Chapter 10 Questions!

1.Why does Peeta Reveal his love for Katniss? Do you think he really loves her? 
Peeta says this about Katniss to win over the crowd. Doing this they can get more sponsors which is really good.I think that Peeta is telling the truth about loving Katniss.
2.What is Peeta's main concern during the Hunger Games?
Peeta's main concern about the Hunger Games is that the games are going to change him. He doesn't want them to change him into a monster that he's not. He wants to die as himself. He wants to show the capitol that he's just not a part of his game.

Chapter 9 Questions!

1. Describe Katniss’ interview attire and training? What affect do you think it had on the audience?
   For the interview, Katniss is weating a heavy dress. Her skin is gold. Her dress is covered in sooo many jewls! Katniss' training went bad with Haymitch. She couldn't find a way on how to act. She doesn't really like Haymitch. I think the audience liked how Katniss acted and looked.                                           

2. How does Haymitch and Cinna ask Katniss to behave?
   Haymitch and Cinna tell Katniss to act like herself. Haymitch doesnt like the way Katniss acts towards him when she's acting like herself. She doesn't know how to act to impress everyone. Cinna tells Katniss to just look at him when she's answering a question. Then, she'll really act like herself.

3. What do we discover about Peeta during his interview?
   During Peeta's interview, everyone finds out he likes Katniss. He's asked if he has a girlfriend, and he says no. He tells thm that he likes a girl and that a lot of boys like her. He finally says that the girl he likes came to the Hunger Games with him.

Chapter 8 Questions!

1. What do the scores in the trainings mean to the tributes? What scores do Peeta and Katniss receive?
The scores in the training are from 1-12. 1 is the lowest, and 12 is the best score. These numbers are given to every tribute after they show their skills to the Gamemakers individually. Katniss' score was an 11! Peeta got an 8.

2. How did Katniss and Gale meet? Describe their story.
Katniss and Gale met in the woods on a Sunday in October. Katniss saw a rabbit in a snare. She touched the snare and someone told her something. Then, they started talking about his snares and her bow.

Chapter 7 Questions!

1. What are the pros and cons of Peeta and Katniss being coached together?
The pros of Katniss and Peeta training together is that they can be allies. They can also practice fighting with eachother, so that they can be good fighters during the games. The cons is that they both know their eachother's skills. This way they have an idea abouth what their competition is.
2. What reasons does Peeta give for thinking Katniss will be better than him in the arena?
Peeta says that Katniss has good skills with+ the wilderness. Peeta also argues with Katniss saying she is really good withe the knife.
3. What are Career Tributes and how are they a threat?
Career tributes are tributes from the richest districts. They are a threat because they have been trained their whole life. Thay already have experience with weapons. This could be really threatening for everyone else. The career tributes have had an easy life since their districts are the wealthiest than the other districts.
4. What does Katniss do to get the Gamemakers' attention?
Katniss gets annoyed because the Gamemakers are focused on their food. She gets her arrow and shoots at the apple in the pig's mouth that's on a table for the Gamemakers to eat. The arrow hit straight in to the apple. The Gamemakers are shocked. One of the Gamemakers falls back into a bow

Chapter 6 Questions!

1. What is an Avox? How does Katniss know the Avox?
An Avox is someone who has committed a crime. They cut their tongue so they can't speak. Katniss knows this Avox, because she saw her at the woods. She saw her and a boy running in the woods. Then, out of nowhere a helicopter comes, and drops a net on her and shoots her up. They also shoot a spear through the boy that was attached to a cable, but they had killed him. Katniss could have helped her, but she just watched, as she suffered.
2. What prevents tributes from jumping off the roof? Why do you think this is in place?
The roof has like an invisible electric fence surrounding the roof so tributes wont jump off. I think they put that there because tributes want to kill themselves instead of going into the arena, suffering, then dieing anyways.
3. What reasons would Peeta have for being curious about Gale?  
Maybe Peeta has feelings for Katniss and he is jealous about Gale. Maybe he thought if he was Katniss' relative, he still would have had a chance with her. Or maybe, something happened between him and Gale, something bad, and that is stained in his memory.

Chapter 5 Questions

1. Compare and Contrast life in District 12 to Life in the Capitol
In District 12, everything is mostly dirty,and gross,many people are poor. They hardly have any food or money. In the Capitol , everything is fancy and expensive. Many people there have a lot of money. They don't have to worry about anything. They always have food and money.
2.What does Cinna ask Katniss amd Peeta to do just before they ride out in their chariot? What is the purpose of this gesture?
Cinna asks them to hold their head up high and smile. He asked them to hold eachothers hands so they wont't fall off.
3.Why is it so hard for Katniss to trust Peeta's kindness?
Katniss is scared to get really close to Peeta beause she doesn't want to fall for him. Also, because if she falls into his tricks he might want to kill her. But  i don't think so. He is just being sweet. I don't know why she is so scared to get close to him.

Chapter 4 Questions!

[Number 1 & 2 were my prediction before I read the whole book(:]
1.Do you think Haymitch will be helpful as a mentor?Why or why not?
I kinda don't think he will be a good mentor because most of the time he is drunk and he just hit Peeta because he got mad at him. But he might be a good one because he has already gone through the games. Also, he knows what to do and what not to so that a good thing. 

2.What does Katniss mean when she says:"A kind Peeta Mellark is far more dangerous to me than an unkind one'?
I think she means that when a person is nice they are trying to make you fall under there trick so when she is thinking he is to nice to her he kills her. Probably that he is very dangerous to be with and deviouse.

3.What happens to convince Haymitch that Peeta and Katniss might be fighters?
What convinced Haymitch that Peeta and Katniss might be fighters is when Peeta hit the glass off of Haymitch's hands. After Haymitch punched peeta right on the jaw. And for Katniss she got a knife and threw it  towards the wall and it landed correct.

4.What is the first honest advice that Haymitch gives them?The first honest advice he gave them was when he said to not resist with the stylists. Also, not to act like if they were scared, to act tough!

Chapter 3 Questions!

1.Who comes to say goodbye to Katniss?
-Her Mother
-Peeta's Dad
2.What did Madge Give Katniss? What Significance does it have?
Madge gives Katniss, a golden pin, called a MockingJay. It has an arrow and a ring around it. Madge pins it to Katniss' dress and tells her to wear it to every Hunger Game. She Promised. Katniss is only allowed to wear one thing that reminds her of her District [12] during the games. She picked the pin that Madge gave her.
3.What instructions does Katniss give her mother before she left?
Katniss tells her mom to take care of herself and prim while she is gone. She also asked for her to never leave, like she did to her dad. Katniss told her mother that she loved her very much and to take care(:

Chapter 2 Questions!

1.How does Katniss save her sister from the reaping? 
Katniss saves her sister by volunteerind and and taking her place into the reaping.
2.Who is the boy tribute selected?How did he save Katniss' life when she was 11?
The boy that was tribute was Peeta Mellark. He saved Katniss' life when she was in the streets. She saw the women in the bakery through out burned bread. She picked it up from the garbage and the woman was yelling at her to put it back.She did.Behind the woman she saw peeta. They both when inside. Afterwards, Peeta came out and gave 2 loafs of bread to Katniss. 
3.What kind of person do you think Peeta is? What evidence from the book led you to come to this conclusion?
I think Peeta is a very sweet person. He is very caring towards others. Also, i know that he is caring because he gave a loaf of bread to Katniss when her family didn't have any food.
4.Why does seeing the dandelion after her father's death give Katniss hope? The dandelion gives Katniss hope because it reminds her of her father. It reminded her of the times her and her father went to the woods. She knew how they were going to survive.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Chapter 1 Questions!

-Describe District 12....
District 12 is one of the poorest districts in Panem. District 12 is coal mining.People always have to compete from every district. The people who are from District 12 aren't really rich.  
-Describe The Relationship between Katniss and Gale...
The Relationship between Katniss and Gale is They are very, Attached I would Say. Like, A mother and Newborn Child. But Katniss Likes Gale very Much.
-What is a reaping? Do you think this practice is fair? Explain.
The reaping is when many people typically put their name in a hat and whoever name gets picked is a possible tribute in the official Hunger Games. I honestly do not think that this practice is very fair because whoever has more family members has a bigger chance of being in the Hunger Games.